Case note folders or medical charts are used widely in the healthcare industry for capturing a patient's medical history. As ESL manufacture to order, these can be made to your exact requirements. You can choose the number of wings, type of pockets, weight of manilla, colour and finish.
We can also work with you to design the inserts, including dividers, mount sheets and forms you may require inside your folder. There are also a number of clipping mechanisms available.
While we can manufacture the case note folders to be exactly the same as a previous version, we also provide best practice advice on the design of the folder to international standards.
Select an option from the list below to find out more about it.
Your folder can have up to 4 wings. Although 1 wing is the most popular, having more wings allows content to be separated into logical sections which are easily accessible.
Pockets can be incorporated into the cover of the folder for storing patient identification labels. While pockets can be any size or shape, we recommend making them small so that only labels can be filed in them. This prevents A4 sheets being placed in the cover instead of properly filed in the wings. Pockets can also have gussets to allow easier access and prevent them from ripping.
A full list of our paper and board types are available here
Any combination of inserts can be included in your case note folder. Click on a link to find out more about that type of insert.
A variety of clip and transfer mechanisms are available for your folder.
Your folder can be finished in a plastic laminate. This strengthens the casenote folder, prevents it being written on and it can be wiped clean
There are various ways of identifying your products uniquely. This could be in the form of a serial number or barcode label applied to each one. Additionally groups of casenote folders could be colour coded making it easy to spot when one is filed in the wrong place.
Contact us for a no obligation Case Note Folder quote